Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Walked outside the other day and this is what I saw. This picture doesn't even come close to how BEAUTIFUL this really was!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble!

Well... Thanksgiving has come and gone. Another year until it is okay to eat entirely too much and get away with it. Zach and I are so blessed with wonderful families. We got to enjoy three...yes THREE... Thanksgiving meals. And they were all DELICIOUS!!!

Thursday started off very muggy and gloomy. After lunch the sun started popping out. I somehow managed to snap this picture as Zach was taking a turn on our way to Big Creek. I think it is amazing how God can change the weather in a second. I love it when there are blue skies and sunshine.

Thankfully Saturday was very beautiful. Chilly in the shade but so nice in the sun.

Thursday we got up super early, worked out and traveled to Greenwood for our first meal. Lunch at Shorty's mom's house and then we went to Big Creek for the Rounsaville side. SOOOO much food!!!! We had to drive all the way back to Jackson because we both had to be at work bright and early Friday. Immediately after we got off we drove back to Greenwood to stay the night at my parents house. Saturday we got up early AGAIN and headed to Sardis for the 3rd and final meal.

How cute is her little Thanksgiving outfit. Emilee found this shirt off of etsy.com and made the pants to match. So crafty.

Me, Brooklee and Em enjoying the beautiful weather.

Zach has mastered the art of carving turkeys. He carved the turkey at all 3 meals.

Em and Brooklee enjoying the wonderful day.

Me and Em crammed in the back of the car all the way to Sardis.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate enough to last them until next year.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

We broke the rules!

I have always been against putting up your Christmas tree before Thanksgiving. Well... we broke that tradition this year. I usually put the Christmas decorations out the Friday after Thanksgiving. I like for each holiday to be celebrated and not over looked. Last night I went over to Em and Britt's and they were putting their Christmas tree up. As i was sitting there I started thinking about how crazy this week is going to be and how I will not be able to put it up on Friday. Work Monday-Wednesday, physical therapy ALL three days, traveling ALL day Thursday, work Friday... YES, Zach and I have to work Friday, travel some more and finally get home sometime Saturday. Wow... I am worn out just by writing all that. I knew that we would not be in the mood to put the Christmas decorations up when we got home. However, I do still have my fall decorations outside. I will take those down Thanksgiving and make room for my Christmas decorations.

Anyways... Zach and I have a VERY NON TRADITIONAL tree. For the past 2 years we have had a white Christmas tree with black and silver ornaments. Well, I decided it was time to either switch it all together or add something else to it. I really wanted to add hot pink but Zach was completely against it. We went to Wal-mart at 615 this morning to shop for ornaments. We finally decided to add blue to our tree. And I do believe it looks GREAT!!!! Here are a few pictures of our wonderful tree.

I love it!

We kept our black stockings. They match the tree skirt.

One of our new ornaments. Peace.

One of my favorite black ornaments.

Another new ornament. Joy.

Can't wait to decorate the outside of our house. I will post pics but it will be after Thanksgiving. Until then, I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving week with family and friends!

Eric and Katie's Wedding

Katie and Eric tied the knot this weekend and it was just beautiful. I knew absolutely no one but the bride. Katie and I meet at work. She was our intern from January-May and then went on payroll as our part-time go to girl. We were the ones that had to drive to work at 430am, in the icy weather, just to be at work so we could tell everyone we were closed due to the water issue in Jackson. We also have a deep love for cupcakes!!! Who doesn't??? We also like to Facebook stalk each other.

On to the wedding... A couple of months ago I got a Facebook message from Katie saying she had left me a surprise on my desk. I was so anxious to find out what it was. I get to work and I didn't see anything actually on my desk. I looked to Luis' desk and I notice he had a save-the-date postcard from Katie. I immediately look back to my desk.... There it was. Taped to my desk!!! I was so excited. Well yesterday, the very anticipated day finally arrived.

I love weddings and especially love weddings that are personalized to the bride and groom. They used fall colors: navy, orange, gold, and brown. Katie and Eric have been on LOTS of mission trips ALL.OVER.THE.WORLD!!! I'm talking about to East Asia, Greece, Malaysia and the list just continues. At the reception there were pictures of all their travels. There were Chinese lanterns, bamboo, fortune cookies and so much more. The food was delicious. Everything from spinach dip, chicken strips, sausage balls, fruit, pinwheels, and LOTS more. Katie had a gorgeous 3 layer strawberry cake with red velvet cupcakes. Eric didn't want the typical grooms cake he wanted pound cake. There were 3 different types of pound cake.

Here are a few pictures of last night.

Me and the Beautiful bride, Katie!

Right before they announced The Mr. and Mrs. Eric Walker.

Eric and Katie about to cut the cake!!!

Eric's pound cakes!

Me and Zach enjoying the reception.

Katie and Eric are now in Breckenridge, Colorado enjoying some cold weather and snow. CONGRATULATIONS KATIE AND ERIC!!!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Breakfast with the Grandparents

Last Sunday our awesome grandparents were in town and brought all of us some breakfast. It was such a good visit and not nearly long enough. We all had a great time watching Brooklee. She just keeps us guessing. You really never know what she is going to do next, what her next facial expression will be or what animal she is trying to imitate. Here are a few pics from a wonderful visit.

Me, Brooklee and Em enjoying a great visit with our Grandparents!

Enjoying breakfast with Grandad.

Making one of her silly faces.

Brooklee listening to what Memaw had to say.
Love this pic!

Enjoying a book read by Grandad!

Brooklee was modeling her dress.

All ready for church!

Memaw helping Brooklee with her cup.

I sooo wish we all lived so much closer, but I am so thankful that my grandparents travel more than any other grandparents I know! Even if it is just a hour or two while they are passing through, I enjoy every single second of it!!! I can't wait for some yummy Thanksgiving food and another great visit with my wonderful family!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Randall and Heather's Wedding Weekend

This weekend was Heather and Randall's big day. They tied the knot and I am so glad that Zach and I were asked to be apart of it. It all started Friday night at the rehearsal dinner. We got to the Country Club of Jackson around 7pm. Enjoyed cocktail hour from 7-8 and then were seated for a mouth watering dinner. At cocktail hour there were unlimited drinks, fruit, cheese, crackers, bacon wrapped oysters and caviar. This doesn't even touch the wonderful dinner: started off with a delicious salad then moved to the main course of filet mignon, stuffed lobster, roasted potatoes, and asparagus, then on to a yummy white chocolate mouse in a heart shaped chocolate bowl. Makes me hungry just thinking about it. Me and Zach at the cocktail hour of the rehearsal dinner. Rick, Paige(wedding planner), Heather(bride), Randall(groom), Zach and me. Saturday was the big wedding day. Zach and I were asked to be program attendants. And of course we said yes. We got to the church around 1pm to be ready for the early arrivals. The wedding was at 2pm and was a full Catholic mass wedding. It was my first time to attend a Catholic wedding. It definitely lasted a lot longer than mine and Zach's 12 min ceremony. Their wedding lasted a full hour. After the wedding it was time to head back to the Country Club of Jackson for some celebrating. Once again there was food galore. It was all buffet style and was separated into sections. There was a Mexican line, Sushi Bar, Pasta Bar, Ham and Lamb Bar, Fruit and cheese bar and then a bar of sandwiches, chicken tenders, shrimp cocktails, and soooo much more. Their were three different bars to get drinks from: mixed drinks, wine, and beer. The lady at the beer bar definitely knew what I wanted when she saw me walking up. If I couldn't find Zach all I had to do was check the sushi bar and 90% of the time he was there. Heather's cake was sooo delicious and Randall's red velvet was delicious also. Heather, me and Randall. The only time these two social butterflies sat down. The beautiful bride and groom. Heather and Randall left the reception while a man in the back ground was playing "When the Saints Come Marching In." The got a in a white limo and off they went. They were leaving early Sunday morning to head out on a 12 day cruise in the Caribbean. Congrats Heather and Randall!!!!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

80's DAY!!!!

It's nothing like a day of bringing back the 80's!!! We decided this year for our Halloween party at work that we would rock the 80's! We had a great day at work. Everyone got into it which made it even better. I can't wait for next year to see what we do then.

Happy Anniversary to Us!!!!

Zach and I have had one successful year of marriage!!! I only hope for many, many, many more!!!

This past year has been wonderful. It has been full of love, laughter, and fun times. We were surrounded by our awesome families, crazy friends and our two furry kids. For our anniversary we decided to take a quick trip to New Orleans. We went down on the Friday before our actual anniversary. We went down without a plan and just living by the moment. We got to New Orleans around 330pm and went straight to our hotel. Zach did a lot of research on where we should stay, since I was still hobbling along at that time. Bourbon Orleans Hotel was our final decision on were we would stay. This hotel was so convenient to everything. As soon as we got our room we went straight to Cafe du Monde!!

I had to make sure to get my beignet fix while I was there. After Cafe du Monde we went back to the hotel to get ready for the night. A sweet couple that we hang out with wanted to take us out in New Orleans for our anniversary. They did WAY too much. Randall and Heather drove all the way to NOLA to take us out to eat. We ate at the Country Club of New Orleans. The food was DELICIOUS!!! There are no words for how good it was. After dinner Randall (who is from New Orleans) wanted to show us around. We went to the Whiskey Blue Bar at the W Hotel. We enjoyed a few drinks and moved on to the Ritz Carlton. Enjoyed a few more drinks and chocolate drizzled beignets!!! They were delicious!

Chocolate drizzled beignets!!!! YUMMY!

Me and Zach at the Whiskey Blue Bar.

Me, Zach and sweet, sweet Heather and Randall.

We has a blast having Randall as our tour guide and experiencing other placed besides Bourbon St. Saturday we got up very early and enjoyed breakfast at our hotel. After that we just did a little sight seeing and walked around.

After a long day we decided to head on back home and enjoy the rest of the weekend with Duke and Delta.

On our anniversary (10-31) we just sat at home and enjoyed being lazy. We did cook a delicious supper.

Hamburger steak, baked sweet potato fries, green bean bundles, and stuffed mushrooms!!! My mouth is watering thinking about it!!!! SOOOOO GOOD!!!

And of course we followed the tradition of saving your top layer of your wedding cake. It has been sitting in the freezer all this time.

It look just as good as it did at our actual wedding... now for taste... I will just say that it is a one year old cake.

Thanks to everyone who has been a part of our first year of marriage. Here is one year down... MMMMMAAAANNNNYYYY more to go!!!!!