Friday, January 28, 2011

"That's Not My Name"

My friend, Katie, and I enjoyed a night out at Easely Amused.I have been noticing this cute painting for a while so I just decided to finally sign up for it. Thankfully, Katie said she would join me. I told her that I would be at her house at 615pm, the class started at 7pm. I figured that would get us there a few minutes early.... I was wrong! We ended up getting there at 640pm! And not only were we early but the one location that I had been to was no longer Easely Amused. They switched locations and we had absolutely no clue where we needed to go. Thankfully, Katie's sister new how to get us there. After a few minutes of stressing we finally found our destination and were able to sit back and relax.

This painting is called "That's not my name." It is so cute and super easy! Now I just have to figure out were this is going to go.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Date Night!

Zach and I enjoyed a night out with Emilee and Britt. This wasn't a night out on the town but a night at a local place called Easely Amused. We both got gift cards to Chili's for Christmas (thanks Aunt Vicki and Uncle Tommy!). It was very YUMMY! After a delicious meal and VERY FULL bellies we headed to paint. Easely Amused is an instructor led painting class. They have different paintings each night and you just pick which painting you like and paint away. On certain Friday's they have date night. This night is a Picasso inspired painting. You sit across the table and paint your date Picasso style. It was SO much fun. I think they all turned out great. Here is our work!
Em holding the painting Britt did of her and he is holding the painting she did of him.

Me and Zach holding our paintings of each other.

Us being silly.

Showing off our work!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chef Brooklee

We took Brooklee to the Children's Museum today. She LOVED it! They had a little kitchen area with everything she might need to cook. She was so funny digging in the freezer to get some ingredients.

Sunday, January 2, 2011