Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Guilt Free Deliciousness

With Summer in full swing, it's hot and I mean H.O.T. and it is just going to get hotter.

At the beginning of summer Zach and I found out that Sno Biz had sugar free snow cones. We thought we were in heaven. Well we were for a few days. We started realizing that this would have to be a treat and not an everyday thing because of the calories and the cost of the yummy, delicious snow cone.

One Sunday morning Zach and I got up.... early as usual... did our cardio and then decided that we would take both of our cars to get the oil changed at Wal-Mart before church.

HUGE MISTAKE!!!! We were there FOR-E-VER it felt like. We literally had enough time to run home drop our groceries off at the house and head to church. BUT... walking around Wal-Mart we did stumble across this incredible find!

A do-it yourself snow cone!

Are you kidding me?!?!?!

We instantly grabbed this little cutie and made its new home on our counter! We have found so many different ways to make 0 Calorie, 0 Fat, 0 Sugar snow cones!!!! Music to my ears!!!

One thing we do is buy these 0 Calorie 2 liter drinks from Wal-Mart. They come in all flavors. Cherry Limeade, Sparkling Lemonade, Strawberry Lemonade and a Peach flavor. We pour whichever flavor we want into ice cube trays. Let it freeze and the next day put some of those ice cubes in your snow cone machine and there you go!

We also use these 0 calorie syrups from Wal-Mart or Sam's. Devinci(sp) syrups are great to pour over any cup full of shaved ice.

We have definitely got our moneys worth from this little green machine. I recommend anyone who is looking for a cold treat during these HOT summer days to invest in one!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Get Moving

My great friend, Katie Walker over at walkersingrace.blogspot.com, gave me an idea for a blog. Thanks, Katie!

I have received lots of great compliments but mostly questions on my weight loss.

"What are you doing?"

"You look great... tell me what to do."

"You don't need to loose anymore weight..."

"Are you eating?"

Well... here it is. Cat is out of the bag.

Zach and I have been working with a Nationally known diet coach. The one and only Shelby Starnes.

Before I go any further on this blog, I would like to throw a challenge out there. Wherever you are... recliner, desk chair, or bed...

get to the edge... put those feet on the floor... sit up tall and straight... and move those feet. Like you are marching in place. I don't care if you are still sitting... Just get moving.

So, back to Shelby... Zach has been wanting to hire Shelby since the fall of 2010. Well back in March, Zach finally just did it. There was never going to be a good time. Something is ALWAYS going to come up and try to interfere with your diet and exercise regimen. YOU just got to do it.

Well, Zach and Shelby work through email only. Shelby is out of Detroit. Weekly, Zach would ask me to take his pictures. He has to send a weekly update and Shelby would respond with a new weekly diet and what type of cardio plan.

After seeing Zach's awesome results... I decided to jump on the same train and get Shelby to help me. I started with Shelby back in May. It has really opened my eyes about how big of a snacker I am and how bad I just want to reach in for you more handful of this or that. Zach and I got rid of whatever junk or processed foods we had in our fridge or cabinets.

We eat a very strict diet of protein, healthy carbs and healthy fats.

5-6 small meals a day.(All weighed out)

Do anywhere from 30-60 mins of AM cardio. Yes... that means that we have to get up even early for our ALREADY early schedules. 230am for me and 315am for Zach.

Strentgh train 4 days a week.

Spend most of Saturday or Sunday prepping our food for the next week.

And last but not least go to bed as early as possible.

Zach is down 50lbs and I am down 14lbs.

I am not going to lie... this is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. But to be a weight that I haven't been since Jr High makes it all worth it. I will continue to blog about this and keep you updated on our progress.

Challenge yourself today to get up and move. Try 5 mins each hour. Get up and walk around the house.

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's day to the man who has made me who I am. Shorty has ALWAYS been there for me and I could not have asked for a better father. So thankful and blessed to have the most amazing parents anyone could ever asked

Friday, June 10, 2011

*VACATION* Music to my ears!!

Well... it is finally here.


Zach and I will be traveling with his family tonight.... Pigeon Forge, TN look out!!! Ready to be in cooler weather and off work for an entire week. Zach's parents are wanting to leave between 11-12pm tonight. This should be very interesting seeing how Zach and I have been up since 3am. I hope to snooze the whole way. We don't really have any 'plans' when we get there but to relax and see what each day brings our way. We should be getting there early in the morning and hoping that our cabin will be ready early.

I am super excited and ready to get there. Be on the look out for lots of pics when we return!