Thursday, August 4, 2011

thursday thoughts....

It's Thursday!

Which means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!

Which also means that my brain is just running all over the place and have a lot of random stuff I would like to share!

1.Favorite shirt...
I got this t-shirt off of and it has become one of my favorite shirts. Not only is it super soft and comfy... I love the message!
Exactly what I am trying to live by these days!
2. The cutest girl ever...
How cute is this??? I took Brooklee shopping with my last Friday when I was off. Yes... I had her in the buggy part and not the seat.... shhhh.... just don't tell her mother. =) I was looking at the clothes and looked over and saw this. She was just a shopping herself. So grown up!
I will be off next 2 Fridays and I can't wait to spend the day with her! I just love her so much!

3. Pinterest....
Still haven't gotten the point but I sure have found some neat things on there. Stay way from the food part... you will be drooling the entire time. That food looks ABSOLUTELY.DELICIOUS! Here is another pic I have found...
SO TRUE... Keep sweating!
4. My inspiration...
I got to work with Katie today! She is such an inspiration to me! Katie did her internship a few semesters ago and I know that God definitely put her in my life for a reason. Check out her awesome blog!

5. Quit Time....
I have started having "quiet time" every morning. I honestly think this stays with me all day. After I get ready every morning, I go to the kitchen, make my breakfast and sit at the bar in silence. I have download this daily Bible app and each day I read the scripture of the day, pray and then eat in silence.... and I enjoy every second of it! Try scheduling in about 15-20 mins each day to just sit in silence.

6. Journal...
I have recently bought a diet/fitness journal. And I love it. It has really helped me this week. Each day I write out what I am going to eat for the next day... calories, fats, carbs, protein and so on.... And that is ALL I eat. Yesterday, we had a party at work. Parties are so much fun but so tempting. I wrote on the top of my page "STAY STRONG-140lb!" Every time I looked at my journal I saw that and it helped me stay on track. It all paid off!!! I was back to 139 this morning!! WHOO-HOO!

7. Date Night...
Zach and I have planned another date night for this weekend and I can't wait. Last weekend we ate an early supper at Julep on Saturday. This weekend we have decided to go to Parlor Market. I love date nights! Just me and Zach!!!

8. Park workout...
Zach and I will be returning to the park early on Saturday morning to do our workout. Been thinking of what I can do different this week. I am very excited about this!

9. Sweet text messages...
Monday my wonderful grandparents sent me a sweet text message that completely MADE.MY.DAY! All it said was "hope you are having a great day." Which I was but that just made it ten times better!

10. Last but not least...
Tomorrow is F-R-I-D-A-Y!!!!
So excited!

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