On Saturday, Knox turned 2 weeks old! The first two weeks flew by. He had his 2-week check-up on Friday. Zach and I were so anxious to see how much weight he had gained and just over all to see the progress he had made.
Well, Knox made awesome progress.
We were shocked how much weight he had gained. When we came home from the hospital his weight was down to 7lbs 1oz. The doctor was very impressed. He said that most breast-fed babies have to come back during week 3 for another weight check but he let us go and said to keep doing what we are doing. Knox checked out great!
We finally got to meet little Avery. Avery was very alert when we were there, Knox on the other hand was out! He would not wake up! But we really enjoyed our quick visit and managed to get a picture before we left. I must say that both of our guys are absolutely perfect!
Here are a pics from the week of our growing little boy...
We have been giving him "monkey baths" but tonight we can actually give him a real bath.
Zach dressed him one day and he just had to put on his Puma shoes. They might have been an inch too big. He wore them while we went out walking but then they had to come off.
A few things about Knox...
*He loves having his hair washed.
*He is blowing bubbles.
*He is used to my work schedule and thinks at 4:30am its time to wake up.
*He sleeps really well only waking 2-3 times a night.
*He is very alert first thing in the morning and in the late afternoon.
*So far, noises don't bother him... one day I was running the food processor and Delta was barking, Knox didn't budge.
*He loves to fall asleep on his daddy's chest.
He doesn't have another check-up until he is 8 weeks old.