Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Okay, NOT really! Today I got the chance to be on WLBT, and thanks to my lovely husband I was able to watch it when I got home....DANG DVR! This was probably one of the most nerve racking things that I have ever had to do. I just wanted to share with you what I was experiencing!

So, last week I was informed that they wanted me to go on WLBT. ME?!?!?!? You really want ME to go on TV? When I said okay to this I just had this thought in my head that this would be recorded and they could edited all my mess ups. Let me explain how I am when I get put on the spot...I stutter and for some reason my voice gets REALLY elevated! One class that Zach and I had in college, our teacher decided to make the final an oral exam... In front of the WHOLE class! Zach and I had study, so I knew this! Its my turn... my question:
Teacher: Memrie, What is BMI?
Memrie: Uh uh uh.......
Probably the easiest question!!!Yeah, its bad!

Me, in front of a group of people is bad just imagine on LIVE TELEVISION!!!! Well, today is the day! I find out about 9am that this is LIVE! Are you kidding me! What if I mess up? What if I stutter? What if I don't know the answer???? The list goes on that I was asking myself. I had a little extra time before it was time for me to go... so what do I do?!?!? I hop on the elliptical for a quick 25 minutes to try to get rid of the nerves! Nerves please go away.... pu pu pppplease!!! Its TIME! Its here if I'm ready or not! And then.....

Its over!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!! That was the longest 6 or so minutes EVER!

So yeah... I'M FAMOUS ;) If you want my autograph I guess you can have it!

Is this what they mean by 15 mins of fame? Or in my case 6mins of fame? Sure... I'll take it!

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