Friday, March 16, 2012

cave girl

I have recently been eliminating foods from my diet.

These are foods that I feel that I have a sensitivity too. 

For lent, I gave up all things gluten. By doing this I have noticed a few changes. Mostly, I don't feel bloated at all anymore! Another thing that I have really noticed over the past few weeks is my face is clearing up. I still have a breakout here and there but it is looking so much better. SOOO excited about this!

I have had a few dreams about all things gluten... cupcakes, cookies, cakes, bagels... anything with flour in it!!!

I, also, decided that I would try to give up oats. I did for a little while but we were out of sweet potatoes the other day so I went back to the oats. BAD DECISION!! I was miserable. SO bloated. 

Zach and I were introduced to Steve's Original: Paleo Kits. They have some great grass-fed beef jerky and dried fruit along with many other great foods. 

When you order from them you get this in your package....

Think about it... how true?!?! 

Just call me a cave girl for now on! 

I pretty much do this anyways but eliminating the oats pretty much makes it official. 

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