Tuesday, August 23, 2011

365 days ago...

What were you doing a year ago?

Do you remember???

I DO!!!!

I have finally hit the one year mark from my 2nd... yes 2nd.... ACL surgery! I can not believe that it has been a year. Where has the time gone??

I wish I could say that this past year was a breeze and I have heeled perfectly but I would soooo be lying!

My first go round with ACL surgery was 11 years ago. I was in the 9th grade and eager to get back to my sports. I remember the day I came home from the hospital I was wanting to go to church and help paint the youth room. Mom thought I was crazy! Physical therapy was a breeze and I mean easy breezy!!! I finished a couple of months early and was back to playing sports like nothing ever happened.

Fast forward 10 years and that great reconstructed ACL decided to give up on me... again. BOO! I knew exactly when it happened, what I was doing, and how it felt. Just like the first time. I just knew!

August 23, 2010, I was headed to the hospital for round two. My surgery was suppose to last 45mins and ended up lasting a whopping 2.5 hours! I had the most amazing support group waiting patiently for me to get out of surgery.

I woke up to all my favorite people in one room. It is so amazing to know that I can always count on the ones who love me!

After surgery, was the long bumpy road to recovery. This was some of the hardest months that I have had to go through.

I rushed back to work after being home for only a week and attempted to do WAY too much! This just led me to a set back that I would soon regret. Almost 4 whole months of therapy later, I was finally on my own.

I wish I was pain free 24/7 but after 2 surgeries on the same knee I don't know if that will ever be the case. I will not get my hopes up though!!!

I am proud to say that I am a lot farther and stronger than I thought I would be at this point. I was moving at a really slow pace but thanks to my wonderful, supportive husband for pushing me to lift heavy weights again, I feel that my progress is really booming now. Hoping and praying that this continues down this road and away from the "s" (surgery) road! I do not want to see my doctor any time soon... or ever again!

I went for my one year check up last week and he was very impressed with my progress and I did not have to hear the words.... "I want to see you back in 6 months." Whoo-hoo! I was released!!!

I am praying that I continue to get stronger and push myself harder. I know my limits, when I can I push it a little more and when I need to stop.

I do know one thing though... I could not have made it through this past year with out my family and friends who have encouraged me to keep pushing and to never give up! Thanks to all of you!!

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