Sunday, April 15, 2012

tired vs lazy

Three days a week, Zach and I do 30 minutes of steady state fasted cardio. This is nothing strenuous, just a comfortable pace around the neighborhood for 30 minutes. We usually get a 1.5 miles.

What do I mean by fasted walk???
We do it on an empty stomach. The only thing that we comsume before we walk is a water. 

Why do we do it fasted??
Because your insulin levels are low which increases the likelihood of burning body fat for fuel. If you eat before cardio, esp. a meal containing carbs, you are more likely to use the food for fuel instead of burning fat. 

What is steady state cardio?
When you try to maintain a consistent intensity level and/or heart rate throughout the duration of your cardio. To maximize fat burning during your steady state cardio, you want to keep your heart rate below 140 beats per minute on average. Of course, this can differ from person to person depending on the age. 

The mornings that I teach spin, I will consume meal 1 before I ever leave the house. Higher intensity fasted cardio will burn muscle instead of fat. 

Zach and I woke up stupid early this morning. This is old news. Our bodies are just drilled to wake up early, no matter how late we go to bed. We needed to do our 1st session of fasted cardio for the week. 

I have to be honest... I wasn't feeling it! 

All I wanted to do is continue to lay in my warm bed! Zach kept encouraging me to get up. I repeatedly said... NO! I'm tired.... or lazy????

tired-exhausted, as by exertion; fatigued or sleepy 

lazy-averse or disinclined to work, activity, or exertion; indolent.

While I was tired... who isn't at 230am???.... I was being more lazy than anything!!

My bed was so comfy and being lazy was just the option I was choosing for the day. 

Zach started getting ready to go walk by himself. I continued to be LAZY!!!

I finally got up but still wasn't feeling it this morning... BLAH!

After about 10mins of walking... I was feeling GREAT!!! Came in after a nice walk, made breakfast, prepped all the veggies for the week, and did a little blogging and such on the computer. 

It really is a great way to start the day. I am thankful to have a body that can carry me around the neighborhood and for a husband who keeps me on track!

How did you start your day off?? 

Try some steady state fasted cardio. 

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!!!!

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